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After The Dance . . .


This was one of my first my first oil paintings. With the last brushstroke I felt that same sense of exhaustion and satisfaction that my dancer must have felt when the music ended and the curtains closed. There's a quiet beauty in the  art of finishing well .

Walking Along The River

I felt the chill of the morning and heard the rushing of the river while bringing this paining to life. Today I see the flaws—the dog needs a few highlights on his head and back, the stones are a bit wonky and the woman's shawl needs shadows. Still those flaws are reminders of how the perfect became imperfect as creation cries out for the Creator to come again and make all things new.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Drawn by Light

I'm always fascinated by light; how it defines reality, the way it travels with the sun, and the power it has to dispell darkness. This painting was a study in light.

Jesus said,

"I am the light of the world he who believes in me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life." John 8:12 

When I Paint . . .

Standing before a blank canvas

I enter a place

Where peace reigns,

And beauty appears untouched

By the fall

And here I experience

In the smallest of ways,

The wonder of creativiy

Where imagination becomes reality.

And as I put my brushes down

I hear a familiar voice

Whispering to my soul

"It is good!" 


The Sovereignty of Coinsidents


My husband and I were visiting the island of Crete where we found a wonderful place to stay in a romantic village called Rethmyno. The people were friendly and the food was delicious. One day while spinning through a postcard rack in one of the open air shops, I noticed a photograph of a seaport that that looked very much like the one I painted several years before. I flipped the card over and to my utter amazement the photo was taken right there in Rethmyno. When Bud joined up with me I handed the card to him. Completely astonished, we hurried to the seaport to check it out. And there in front of the second window from your left we had cappuccino and olives and laughed at how we were sitting in my right there in my painting. On our last night we had dinner in front of the second window from your right. That painting now hangs on the wall in my dining area as a reminder of the many surprising things we shared together that caused us to stand in awe of our surprising God. 

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. 
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
A Man and His Birds

I loved the kindness in this man's face and the unfettered trust in the the birds as they ate from his hand and rested on his hat. It all begged to be preserved in paint. He seemed to know what being cold and alone felt like. Today, as I study his face, I feel like we understand each other. 


A Quiet Morning On the Lake

This painting hangs above my piano. The water, the light and the gentle dignity of the swans soothes my soul, preparing me to stay calm as I battle my way through notes and timing and the constant reminders that learning new things is hard. And patience can only happen when I'm all quiet on the inside. 


It had been several years since I'd painted anything except walls. The summer before my husband died I told him I was missing my paints. He was so thrilled that he bought me everything I needed to get started again. Then he died. And and my desire to finish what I'd begun died with him. Then one day my brushes began to call to me and I knew it was time to pursue the new things God had waiting for me in the fields of lavender. 

The Gifts We Share

We are God's masterpieces! His poema's! His works of art! Painting, writing, singing, playing instruments, fixing faucets, helping the helpless, preaching, teaching, encouraging, leading, praying, organizing, supporting . . . all these and more is how we've been wired by our Creator to draw attention to His beauty, to cause us to thirst for Heaven, and to help maintain order here on planet Earth. Like the perfect Father He is, God loves to applaud His children when they use their gifts to serve His kingdom


I was asked, on two occasions, to do a live painting on stage during the Christmas season. I said 'yes' both times even though, in my head, I was saying 'no.' I feared my mind would go blank, my hands would shake, and my presence on stage would be a distraction during the sermons. None of that happened. Instead, by the time the paintings were finished I experienced the tears of hearing my God say, "Well done Sandy, my faithful,though fearful, servant." Whatever your gifts are, my friend, it's never too late to use them for the good of His people and the glory of His name. 


You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

Matthew 5:14 -16 NLT

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